Apis Cerana zieht den kürzeren ...


30 Juni 2011
Punkte Reaktionen
Wien, Rechnitz
Imker seit
derzeit Breitwabe,Zander
Schwarmverhinderung wie
primitiver Königinableger
Eigene Kö Zucht ja/nein
Hab da aus dem Internet folgenden Artikel heruntergeladen, "Honeybee Species Diversity in Chinese Himalayas",
weil mich das gewundert hat , dass die in der Sichuan-Provinz die Obstbäume mit der Hand bestäuben.

Die in China heimische Honigbiene "Apis cerana" , wird also nicht nur durch Pestizide sondern
auch durch die westliche Honigbiene bedroht wie in dem Artikel steht.

- die westliche Honigbiene ist stärker und raubt die Heimischen aus
- die Ectohormone / Pheromone der westlichen Honigbiene verhindern,
dass sich die heimischen Königinnen paaren können
- die heimische Honigbiene hat so gut wie keine Resistenz gegen
Faulbrut, Sackbrut , Kalkbrut usw.

Auszug aus dem Artikel:

The following impact of Apis mellifera on Apis cerana in the Chinese Himalayan region
has been recognised:

Competition for forage sources
Species competition: When forage source is limited, Apis mellifera usually invade to
hives of Apis cerana to get honey, which leads to fighting between two species.
Usually the whole Apis cerana colony will be killed by Apis mellifera.
Ectohormone of Apis mellifera may affect the mating of Apis cerana when both are
in the region within 20 km. Usually the queen of Apis cerana cannot mate due to
ectohormone of Apis mellifera, resulting unfertilised eggs and only male bees being
developed, leading to death of the whole colony.
Apis mellifera spreading diseases, such as paralysis, American foulbrood, European
foulbrood, sacbrood, chalkbrood. Before introduction of Apis mellifera, Apis cerana
had not been found infected with these diseases. Once infected, the spread is very
fast and loss is severe. For example, in 1972, Apis cerana was infected with
sacbrood in Guangdong Province and this was spread very quickly throughout
China, resulted in death of many colonies of Apis cerana. In Yunnan Province only,
620,000 of the 770,000 colonies of Apis cerana died due to this disease. From
1992, chalk brood of Apis mellifera is also infecting Apis cerana and this will lead to
big loss. Due to diseases, many colonies of Apis cerana died.